Tag: featured
We have a Mastodon!
Dont forget about our mastodon instance. I am @[email protected] on #Mastodon! Come follow me at https://social.furryrefuge.com/@echo Mastodon is a federated social media outlet, so you can host your own instance if youd like or use our server, and either way, you’re still able to interact with everyone else on it!
Check out our website! Tell your friends!
If you follow us on twitter, facebook, or anywhere else and don’t know what we are, come and check us out! We’re a furry community with a network of chats, video game servers (minecraft is our biggest), and a radio station and some other cool stuff! Everything is free to play and listen. our goal…
Support Our Discord by Leaving a Review!
If y’all enjoy our little community here, we urge you to help us out by leaving an honest review here about us and our discord server at https://disboard.org/server/258051955010699265 It would really help us out and boost our stats on disboard. We’ll even give you a “Community Supporter” role on discord if you show us!
Donator Rank
We’re releasing a Furry Refuge Donator Rank in which we’ll have perks available for our game servers including being able to get support faster for issues that may arise in any game server. Our tech support is run by just one person right now and she’s also got a full-time job, making it harder to…
Furry Refuge Social is a new furry platform for furries to meet up and hang out.. its much like twitter, but will contain ONLY furries as well as link up with other furry communities making our site just a single node in the larger furry network. we’re still working out the details to get it…
Join our twitter!
Wanna stay updated for Furry Refuge News and all of our new stuff like FR Radio and FR Social? Follow us on facebook or twitter! Please retweet this to see how many new fur-friends we can get!
Minecraft Perks & Donation Shop!
Want to keep inventory when you die in minecraft? Want a builders kit in Rust? Now you can get those perks without having to get donator rank! Still want donator rank? There’s lots of other perks! check it all out on our shop at https://furryrefuge.com/shop/ Don’t forget to check out our minecraft page for all…
We’re Now Part of the Official Furry Fediverse!
We’ve been accepted and listed on https://furryfediverse.org/ to let other federated furs know we exist and to try our instance! If you check it out, you can see we’re one of a handful of others! Very happy to have made it here! If you check out the site you can also see a very useful…
Furry Refuge Radio! teaming up with Furry Broadcasting Network!
We’re proud of our little radio station but we want it to grow. our mission as you might’ve seen on our about page is to not leave anyone out. its to take care of the community and make sure everyone is included and having fun. Our radio helps us accomplish that by creating a community-run…