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Exciting Developments in Furry Studies: Upcoming Academic Conference in Rotterdam πŸ°πŸŽ“

The furry community is set to celebrate a significant milestone with the launch of the first-ever Furry Studies academic conference, scheduled to take place on October 18, 2024, in Rotterdam, Netherlands. This groundbreaking event is part of the broader Otterdam Furry Arts Festival, which aims to bring together academics, researchers, and community members from around the world to share knowledge and insights about the furry fandom.

A Platform for Multi-Field Learning

The conference will be a hybrid event, offering both physical and online participation options. This inclusive approach ensures that everyone, regardless of their geographical location, can contribute to and benefit from the discussions. The event is designed to foster a diverse exchange of ideas, welcoming submissions from established academics, independent scholars, and non-academic members of the furry community alike.

Call for Submissions

The organizers have issued a call for proposals, encouraging participants to submit their work in various formats, including academic papers, short workshops, practitioner-based activities, best-practice showcases, and pre-formed panels. The deadline for submissions was June 24, 2024, but the event’s broad scope suggests that there will be a rich tapestry of presentations and activities.

Diverse Topics and Formats

The conference will cover a wide range of topics, such as history, philosophy, behavior studies, and economics, among others. This diversity reflects the multifaceted nature of the furry fandom and the varied interests of its members. In addition to traditional academic presentations, the event will also feature alternative formats like photographic essays, making it an engaging and dynamic experience for all participants.

Organizing Committee Insights

Vanguard Husky, a Postgraduate Researcher at the Birmingham School of Media, Birmingham City University, and one of the key organizers, shared his enthusiasm for the project. Husky, who also runs the blog “Chasing Tails: A Furry Research Blog,” highlighted the significance of this conference in bringing together international voices that study the furry fandom. This initiative marks a significant step forward in the field of Furry Studies, which has been growing since its inception around 2007.

Celebrating Furry Culture

The Otterdam Furry Arts Festival, of which the academic conference is a part, will also include public events celebrating furry culture and art. This festival promises to be a vibrant celebration of the community’s creativity and diversity, making it an exciting time for both academics and enthusiasts.

As the furry community prepares for this landmark event, it is clear that the future of Furry Studies is bright and full of potential. Whether you are an academic researcher or a passionate member of the community, this conference offers a unique opportunity to engage, learn, and contribute to the ongoing dialogue about the furry fandom.

Stay tuned for more updates and consider sharing your thoughts and excitement about this event in the comments below

Source: Dogpatch Press: Furry Studies academic conference to launch October 18, 2024 in Rotterdam, Netherlands

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